Home Top ADC Support Jungler

The Middle Lane is where the mages and assassins are usually placed. Both Ability Power and Attack Damage Champions can grow in this lane. Usually this lane is consisted of champions who can burst down a single target with their whole skill set. They either have alot of damage in one spell or extremely low cool downs that can stack up a lot of damage in a short period of time. Learning to mantain their lane, ganking either top or bot, or supporting the jungler when he/she is counterjungling are essential skills needed for a good mid laner. Being able to not lose their tower and remembering to gank whenever they have the opportunity could possibly change a game from having a bad early game to winning the game at the end. Being able to play the mid champ you choose is important, but being able to exectue game changing plays.

Recommended Champions:
  • Ryze
  • Zed
  • Anivia
  • Twisted Fate