The jungler is one of the most flexible position in the game and probably has the most choices to decide from the beginning of the match to the end of the match. Every thing the jungler does affects the game in a different way. In season 3, lots of tanky and cc heavy champs have been favored. CC means Crowd Control which refers to any slows, taunts, stuns, snares, pulls, knock ups, fears, or silences. Learning the jungle monsters and timers are essential thing that junglers must know. Blue and Red Buffs are refreshed every 5 mins. The wraiths, golems, or wolves spawn every 50 seconds. Dragon comes up 6 mins after its previous death and Baron Nashor refreshes 7 mins after its previous death. Junglers are relied on by all the lanes. Most laners will ask for a gank, which means that someone comes into their lane and helps kill the laning opponent. So if Top gets ganked by the jungler then the top laner and the jungler will try to kill the other top laner who is probably running away.
Recommended Champions:
Jarven IV