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The Bot Lane Consist of two positions, the Attack Damage Carry (ADC) and the Support. The ADC is what the team needs to get big or "fed". If you get the ADC fed and do a good job on protecting the ADC then you should have an easy time on winning the game. ADCs are ranged champions and are labled as "marksmen". The support goes down bot with the ADC and helps him/her maintain river vision and helps in skrimishes that occur in the bot lane. Usually supports have stuns, knock ups, shields,pulls, slows, fear, silences, heals, and mana regeneration abilities. Some of them are naturally tanky , Taric or Leona, or some of them have passives or ablilites that make them more mobile or ways to win fights without having to take lots of damage, Sona or Janna.

Recommended ADC Champions:
  • Caitlyn
  • Miss Fortune
  • Ashe
  • Vayne

  • Recommended Support Champions:
  • Sona
  • Taric
  • Leona
  • Thresh